
先月開催された 当クリニック主催の第3回地域包括ケア研修会「フレイルと嚥下障害の関係」は定員80名に対し約倍近くのお申し込みがあり、大変好評のうちに無事終了いたしました。





配信サイト: https://www.whitecross.co.jp/events/view/4388

※ 視聴にはWHITE CROSSの無料会員登録が必要となります。






Video streaming of the workshop


Last month, our clinic hosted the 3rd Workshop on Community-based Integrated Care ” Causal Relationship between Sarcopenia and Dysphagia,” which was held with nearly twice as many registrations as the maximum number of 80, and was very well received.


For those who were unable to attend the workshop, the video of the workshop will be available free of charge for a limited period of one month starting today.

Please take this opportunity to view the video.


Distribution site: https://www.whitecross.co.jp/events/view/4388

※ Free registration with WHITE CROSS is required to view the videos.


Mog2 Clinic will continue to actively disseminate information on dysphagia.


メールアドレスが公開されることはありません。 * が付いている欄は必須項目です

Copyright mog2 clinic. All rights reserved.