嚥下造影検査食の開発 2














Development of inspection food for videofluoroscopic examination of swallowing 2


In order to perform high-precision VF examination, it is necessary to make the radiopaque inspection foods used as close as possible to actual meals.


Due to changes in lifestyle, bread now accounts for around 20% of the staple food of the Japanese.

Bread seems soft and easy to eat, but it is one of the foods that are most frequently involved in choking accidents.


Our Nutrition department has recently developed “Barium White Bread” using barium sulfate, and has started using it as inspection.


The appearance, aroma, taste, and texture are close to those of actual white bread, enabling highly accurate observation at all stages of the swallowing process.


VF examination using “Barium White Bread” is covered by insurance.


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