デジタル喉頭ストロボ 導入




誤嚥のリスク因子となる声門閉鎖不全を声帯の運動状態から観察することが目的で、より精度の高い診断と治療方針の決定が可能になるだけでなく、脳神経内科や耳鼻咽喉科頭頸部外科・リハビリテーション科 等とのよりスムーズな医療連携も期待できます。






Digital laryngeal strobe


Mog2 Clinic offers a variety of testing equipment with the aim of strengthening regional medical collaboration by providing more accurate and rapid swallowing function test.


We have recently introduced the LS-H10 digital laryngeal strobe.

The objective is to observe poor glottal closure, which is a risk factor for aspiration, from the state of movement of the vocal cords.

Not only will this enable more accurate diagnosis and determination of a treatment plan, but it will also facilitate smooth medical collaboration with neurologist, otorhinolaryngologist and rehabilitation physician.


Observation of vocal fold movement with LS-H10 will begin later this month at the same time as the swallowing function test in our outpatient clinic.


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