車椅子用体重計 追加導入






もぐもぐクリニックでは7年前の開院当初より体組成計「InBody S10」による体成分分析を実施しており、血液検査も組み合わせることで、嚥下障害における治療方針の決定や栄養指導をより精密に行っています。




Additional introduction of wheelchair-accessible scales


In the field of home healthcare and nursing care, weight management is a major issue for people who have difficulty walking or standing.

Body weight is an important indicator of nutritional status, and weight loss not only leads to a decline in immunity and also cause dysphagia due to muscle weakness.


Even for those who have difficulty getting on a scale regularly, we introduced the AD-6106R portable scale in 2020 as a piece of equipment for home visits so that we can measure weight in real time. This time, we have added the SCL-WP1, a small scale that can also be used by wheelchair users and weighs only 6.4kg.


At Mog2 Clinic, we have been conducting body composition analysis using the InBody S10 body composition analyzer since the clinic first opened seven years ago, and by combining this with blood tests, we are able to make more precise decisions about treatment plans and nutritional guidance for dysphagia.


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